Excuses and beach houses

Crikey people, what a Bad Bad Blogger I have been.  I’m sorry for the long absence from this little corner of t’internet, I have been sprinting around Singapore for the last three weeks setting up the biz.  I know I know, everyone in the entire world is super busy, but I’ve literally been feeling like my brain is on the verge of popping – visas and entity structures and insurance and office leases and logos and branding and stationery and websites and trademarks and bank accounts all need to be considered in detail.  And I’ve let the bloggy slide as a result.

So there’s my excuse, now here’s my way of making it up to you.

Msambweni Beach House is a boutique hotel on the coast of Kenya, and it is also one of the most gorgeously designed places I have ever seen.  Some (very lucky) people I know have a trip booked to this delectable hotel, and I am oh so very envious!

Check out these pics and tell me your jaw is not on the floor – it’s chocca jam-packed with carved and white-washed wood, floaty canopy beds and romantic candlelight.  YUM.

msambweni beach house1 msambweni beach house2 msambweni beach house3 msambweni beach house4

msambweni beach house5

msambweni beach house6 msambweni beach house7 msambweni beach house8 msambweni beach house9 msambweni beach house10 msambweni beach house11 msambweni beach house12.5 msambweni beach house12 msambweni beach house13 msambweni beach house14 msambweni beach house15 msambweni beach house16


So what say you loves…?  Do you forgive me?!

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7 Responses to Excuses and beach houses

  1. Alistair says:

    Absolutely spectacular! Both the place and the photography! Looks incredible, as do the skies.

  2. Lilli says:

    Hi Elly! Hope you are doing well and all is fine by your side! Oh my, for sure my haws are dropped right now! Im really stunning and I want to book a trip there right now, lucky your friends!:) Hope you have a wonderful weekend dear, baci! xo

  3. Sam says:

    Hi Elly, hope all is going well with the business, so excited for your new venture, may it be a roaring success! Always good to hear from you, totally understandable how busy you are! Wow, this place is incredible, can believe its just a few hours flight from here….have to stalk some specials on the net!! It was great hearing your thoughts, Happy Friday dear!

  4. It’s nice to see you back, Elly and I hope all the business prep will eventually be sorted – I know exactly how it feels… I think once it’s all done, you need to spend a few days in this gorgeous hotel, too – you certainly deserve it. x

  5. allthingsdesigned says:

    Such places makes me wonder why I am still stuck in cold and rainy Sweden?!? 😉 Nice to hear about the business. Good luck!

  6. suzzysmith says:

    Wow – YES YOU ARE FORGIVEN! Only if you tell me when we’re going! 😉
    I have to say I’m vay vay jealous that you’re getting to set yourself up, I can’t wait to do the same one day! xxx

Whatcha thinking?